Flights » From Missoula, MT (MSO-Missoula County) » To Hays, KS (HYS)

Learn about flights from MSO to HYS

On this page, you'll find a collection of useful information on flights from Missoula, MT (MSO-Missoula County) to Hays, KS (HYS). When you're ready to search, click here for the cheapest flights!

Cleverlayover is a flight search engine for cheaper flights. We find savings by looking at all the possible ways to get from your origin to your destination, including searches that look at each possible layover location individually. For example, if you're flying from MSO to HYS, we'll search for flights from MSO to every other airport and then flights from those airports to HYS. After piecing together those flights, we can find savings that the other search engines don't show you.

When to book

The best day of the week to book your flight is on


Hotels at your destination

You can book hotels for Hays, KS (HYS) at any of the following sites:

Popular layovers

When you fly from Missoula, MT (MSO-Missoula County) to Hays, KS (HYS), you might want to take a layover somewhere. This can save you money, and it can allow you to visit another location. How do you find the right layover locations, though? Which ones will be cheapest? Which ones will be fun? Here are some popular layovers for savvy travelers going from MSO to HYS:

Take a layover in Origin to Layover Layover to Destination
Las Vegas, NV (LAS-McCarran Intl.)
Dallas, TX (DFW-Dallas-Fort Worth Intl.)
Portland, OR (PDX-Portland Intl.)
Chicago, IL (ORD-O'Hare Intl.)
Denver, CO (DEN-Denver Intl.)

Savings from your airport

Check out recently found savings to these great destinations! If you're flying from Missoula, MT (MSO-Missoula County), you'll be able to take advantage of a clever layover if you're flying to any of the following locations. All savings were found by our users recently, though prices may change when you perform your own search.

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