Our search
Cleverlayover is a flight search engine for cheaper flights. We find savings by looking at all the possible ways to get from your origin to your
destination. We'll consider every possible layover, not just the ones the airlines want you to see.
For example, if you're flying from LGA to CLT, we'll search for flights from LGA to every other airport and then flights from those airports to
CLT. After piecing together those flights, we can find savings that the other search engines don't show you.
Our inspiration
The idea for cleverlayover was born from our journey to Istanbul last winter.
We realized that it would be cheaper to fly from Boston to
Israel on one ticket and then fly to Turkey on another ticket. While this seemed counterintuitive,
buying one more flight actually cost us less. With the money that we saved, we dedicated four days
to exploring the bustling streets of Tel Aviv as well as the humbling history of Jerusalem.
The opportunity to visit two continents on a budget gave us a new perspective on how travel should be booked.
Our vision
We built cleverlayover to radically optimize travel booking: we simplify the process by revealing the most cost-effective layovers,
and we display search results from low-cost carriers that are not partnered with the major airlines to give travelers a broader
range of flight combinations. Cleverlayover isn’t just a search engine to find more affordable flights; it’s a tool for experiencing
travel in the best way possible. We'll search the cheapest route from LGA to CLT.
Begin your travel with Cleverlayover to make the most of your trip.